About ME!
We all have a path we must follow if it’s the right one. At a young age trying to navigate the “what do I want to do for a living when I grow up” is always a question we think about and some people still do even later in life. For me, it was clear math and science was not my strength but beauty was and still is.
The Max Factor Museum on Hollywood and Highland which is now The Hollywood Museum was my first job related to makeup. I attended Cosmetology School and I am Licensed to practice in the State of California since 1992.
My work has taken me all over the United States and Canada teaching seasonal makeup collections for Sebastian International in the 90’s while in my 20’s.
In the year 2000, I took a chance and went from a stable job to the unpredictable world of freelance and I have been here ever since. Working in entertainment has also been a great experience for me. I have worked on films, commercials, press junkets, red carpets and I have painted faces both famous and non- famous and love both equally.
Lot's of stuff in between then and now happened. I got married in 2008 and still together. Had a daughter in 2018, Ivy Rose and and Charley Anne born March 18th, 2021 my true loves!
Some more light hearted things about me,
I love 80’s music I am a New Waver at heart without the high hair and loads of makeup.
I love wearing red lipstick, my personal makeup is simple but I love a bold lip.
Our three dogs, betty, buster and cooper are rescues and yes, they sleep in our bed.
When you hire me we can continue this conversation and you can let me know all about YOU!
Photo: on right my wedding day Credit: Blake Gardner
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.